Talk it through

Part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2023: 15th to 21st May

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Illustration of six students in separate boxes, each connected through earphones.

It's good to talk

Managing stress often involves some consideration of areas that are painful for us. 

Whether that is a bereavement, the end of a relationship, or doubting our ability to cope.

Speaking about such things can be painful, but many people find that they do feel much better after talking about their concerns. 

This is why so many therapies are based on talk.

  • It helps you feel less alone with whatever is troubling you

  • It can also help clarify the issues and ways forward


Do you ...

Worry about talking to a professional in case other people find out? 

Keep your problems to yourself? 

Find it difficult to talk to others about your problems? 

Try to spare other people from knowing how bad you feel at times?


Share your concerns with people who care. 

Find the right person

Someone who puts you at ease, cares about you, or is trained to listen.

Friends with their hands together.

Talk to family / partners

It is natural to want to spare those close to us if we feel stressed but they can probably tell anyway. Let them help. Strong relationships help reduce stress.

Black background with colourful letters.

Talk to a professional

A chat with someone who is trained to listen can help to clarify your thoughts and find a way forward. 

Person lying down on the sofa.

Listen to suggestions

When stressed, it is easy to dismiss even useful ideas. Pause and consider whether some aspect of a suggestion might help.

Pineapples with sunglasses, impression of a party.

Share in a group

It can really help to hear what other people are going through. Whether or not their experiences are the same, there will be similarities.

Don't bottle things up

Consider whether you are bottling things up and, if so, whether it might be a relief to talk.  

You can choose what details to disclose or keep private, and you can end a conversation when you have said enough. Think about what you would feel safe to confide initially and to whom. 

Which of the strategies will you consider using?

More from Bloomsbury

50 Ways to Manage Stress book jacket

Looking for more ways to boost your wellbeing? Try 50 Ways to Manage Stress by Stella Cottrell for more bite sized tips.

Mug with steam coming from the top.

Further support

If you feel you need further support, try these resources:

  • Samaritans are available 24/7 for confidential, non-judgemental support
  • Mind provides information and advice about mental health